Net Zero by 2030


Reducing the impact our travel business has on the climate is our priority

We work with external consultant Ecollective measuring our emissions in alignment with Science Based Targets. Wherever possible we’ve used actual data from DEFRA and other sources. In some areas, where data isn’t yet available, we’ve made assumptions.

We’ve continued to invest time to improve the accuracy of our data, but also recognise the importance of not getting caught up in perfect calculations, when that time could be spent taking action. SAWDAYS IMPACT REPORT 2024 97.6% of our emissions come from owners properties and guest travel. This is the area we can make the most significant change. This is why Scope 3 is our focus.

Our findings

2022 was only our second year of full data, so we’re still refining our tracking and making sure we capture everything as accurately as possible. However we also recognised the importance of not getting too caught up in the numbers and instead started taking action, focusing on quick wins.

Climate Journey Days

In August, we became a member of Climate Perks, offering every member of our team paid journey days if they travel by low-carbon transport to their holidays. Whilst personal holidays do not come under our company emissions, we recognise that slow travel takes time. By lessening this barrier, we are able to contribute to making sustainable transport decisions easier for everyone.

Naomi’s Adventure to Sweden

“I really wanted to visit Sweden but didn’t want to fly for environmental reasons. Going by train takes a little longer but it’s so worth it. It’s a much more relaxing experience, and you get a sense of each place’s culture. The best bit… I was able to use my Climate Journey Day so I didn’t worry about using up extra holiday and it extended my trip.”

Helen’s Trip to Swiss Alps

“This summer, I hopped on the train from Bristol all the way to Martigny in the Swiss Alps, taking the opportunity to join my partner and work remotely for a couple of weeks.The scenery on these train rides was incredible, I loved watching the landscape transform, speeding from cities to rolling fields, past Lake Geneva and finally into the mountains.”

In 2023 we said we would…

Tackle 10 points on our 58-point action plan, and we…

  • Had our landlord commit to switching to a 100% renewable energy tariff as part of our new lease agreement
  • Offered our team climate journey days – extra days holiday for travelling in low-carbon transport to their holidays
  • Ran a carbon emissions training session for the team
  • Did an 8-week lease trial of an electric car and continuing to promote our green business travel policy
  • Moved parts of our website to serverless systems, which reduces energy consumption
  • Reduced our printing and only using ethical printers ‘Park Lane Press’
  • Kicked off our carbon labelling project by conducting research and scoping out plans
  • Hosted summer and Christmas parties at venues within walking distance of the office
  • Reduced and optimised image sizes (the biggest part of web page bandwidth) by up to a third
  • Launched a new supplier manifesto

Continue education and advice on access to grants for our owner, and we…

  • Led a series of five webinars on renewable energy for our property owners, showing owners how to harness solar and wind
  • Created grant map for owners to help them access green grants
  • Worked with our Customer Advisory Group to learn how we could get owners switched to renewable energy

Improve and refine our tracking and reporting, and we…

  • Began tracking our business mileage better, including types of transport
  • Tasked our platform with scoping out how to better track our online emissions
  • Surveyed our owners again to increase the emissions data we have on properties, but had a fairly low response. We will be exploring how tomake engagement easier next year

Next year we will…

  • Begin transitioning our owners to renewable energy. Asking all new Canopy & Stars owners joining the collection to be on renewable energy
  • Partner with an energy company to offer advice and incentives
  • Transition to an office with 100% renewable electricity
  • Implement incentives to help team to use EV or train more often