Impact Goals 2027

Key overarching goal

2030 Net Zero

Take responsibility for the emissions our business creates and reduce, not off-set.

TARGET: Scope 1 & 2: 90% reduction. Scope 3: 30% reduction

Core focus areas


Raise awareness & promote undertourism to drive solutions and preventions

TARGET: Commission and fund a piece of academic research to aid solution

Responsible travel

Promote & inspire more guests to use low-carbon transport to travel to our places

TARGET: Increase low-carbon guest transport to places by 25% by 2030

Access to Nature

Support disadvantaged and under-represented groups to help access nature

TARGET: Raise £50,000 and activate 50,000 people to take action and improve access to nature

Protecting Nature

Support projects focused on protecting nature and increasing biodiversity

TARGET: Raise £50,000 and activate 50,000 people to take action and improve access to nature

Our foundation

Using the B Corp model to improve and ensure our business is a force for good, we consider every decision we make and embrace our responsibility in helping to create a sustainable future for travel.

TARGET: Remain in the top 5% of travel B Corps in the world