Our impact

In 2019, we set out our Impact Strategy which we have been working on and continually improving over the past two years. While we have made progress in achieving our targets, we are by no means ‘there’ yet. We have a long way to go, but we are committed to delivering against this by 2025 and then looking for ways we can push ourselves even further. 

Read our most recent Impact Report from 2022 here, and the progress we have made in the last 12 months.

Developing our Impact Strategy

  • Each year we come up with a set of goals to reach for the year to work towards our strategy, we have also decided to recruit for a Sustainability & Impact Manger (a brand new role) to drive this forward. 
  • In 2021, we are adding a goal around diversity, inclusivity and improving access to nature, which will be supported with activity in the area into 2022. 

Our B Corp certification

  • We certified as a B Corp at the end of 2019, in 2021 we were awarded ‘The Best For The World B Corps’ in the Workers impact area achieving a top 5% score by putting in place exemplary employee-friendly practices, such as ownership opportunities, job flexibility, and fair-chance hiring policies. 
  • Together with a handful of UK based travel B Corps including Pura Aventura and Intrepid Travel we launched travelbybcorp.co.uk, a site where the travel industry can find out more about the movement that puts people and planet before profit. 

Volunteering in the community

  • We committed to 100% of the team having volunteered in the community on environmental projects by the end of 2021. Through time with the Forest of Avon Trust, Save the Oaks, local initiative Grow Wilder, beach cleans, litter picking and community refugee support, we are on track to achieve that target. 

Tree planting

  • As part of the fight against the climate crisis, in summer 2019 we announced our mission to plant 1,000,000 trees by the end of 2025. Planting a tree for every booking through Canopy & Stars and asking our guest to do the same as well as planting a tree for every guest review on Sawday’s. To date we have planted some 100,000 and plan to step up our focus on this. We work with reforestation campaigners, Treesisters, a grassroots network planting trees in the tropics. All donations help to revive habitats, increase biodiversity and create local jobs. Donate here.
  • We have worked with our community of owners to encourage tree-planting initiatives on their own land, including through the Save the Oaks project. The Sawday’s charitable trust purchased 8,000 trees from Save the Oaks and the trees were planted on our owner’s land, watch our video here. 

Reducing Carbon Emissions  

  • We have been registered with C Level for the past 2 years but are about to embark on a project to examine both our primary and secondary carbon impact and to look at strategies to reduce our carbon emission by a minimum of 5% year on year, both as a business and through our guests and owners. 
  • We are committing to the B Corp Climate Collective’s Net Zero 2030 pledge.

 Community champions

  • Our Community Champions are charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and other purpose-driven organisations or cooperatives who receive subsidised membership or reduced commission to aid the causes they support. We currently have 11 active community champions and a commitment to grow this to 25 over the next 4 years